Mo Youssef
The orange Hyena
Mo Youssef is a multifaceted individual with expertise in programming, web development, and music. He is also known as the Orange Hyena and is responsible for managing the Hyena Squad. Mo Youssef is highly skilled in coding and is capable of tackling any challenge that comes his way. He is an invaluable asset to the team, always keeping a watchful eye on the Discord server and website.
Mo Youssef is the head of IT for the Squad and holds responsibility for ensuring the smooth functioning of the team's website, Discord server, and user interface. If you have any feedback or concerns related to these areas, Mo Youssef is the person to contact. As the head of IT, he is committed to maintaining the integrity and efficiency of these important resources for the team.
Personal Info
Business Email
Arabic, English, French
5 Years